NEXUS IOT PTE. LTD. was established in Singapore on June 15, 2024. The company’s main business involves the research and development of IoT sensors and smart controllers for energy-saving solutions in buildings. Through OEM and ODM partnerships, it manufactures room temperature monitoring and central air conditioning intelligent control products in Chinese mainland. Additionally, it provides EPC (Energy Performance Contracting) energy management services for public institutions.
NEXUS IOT PTE. LTD. adheres to the philosophy of “Technology, Environmental Protection, and Business Development,” aiming to contribute to Singapore’s green development while achieving corporate growth and success.
This device is installed on the interior walls of buildings and measures indoor temperature, humidity, and CO₂ concentrat-ion at the installation point. It continuously and automatical-ly measures and displays the data in realtime, transmitting it to the management platform.
Installed in conjunction with a light switch or power socket and powered by the same, this device continuously measures indoor temperature at the installation point and transmits da-ta to the management platform in real-time.
A high-precision temperature standard instrument calibrated by a government-authorized laboratory. Based on uncertainty analysis, it can perform “in-situ online calibration” or “off-site temperature compensation” for room temperature monit-oring devices. It automatically measures the room temperatu-re continuously at specified points, displaying, storing, and outputting the measured data while uploading it in real-time.
PLC Control Cabinet: Used for automatic control on the side of the central air conditioning units.
balance regulation and intermi-ttent cooling control in air con-ditioning systems.
Fan Coil Flow Control Valve: Used for intermittent cooling control.
rol the fan coil start/stop and t-hree-speed conversion locally and remotely. It includes a bui-lt-in digital thermometer and can automatically accept “in-situ online calibration” and “off-site temperature compens-ation” from the room temperat-ure calibration instrument.
Ultrasonic Cold Meter: Used for cooling capacity measurement.
system, it locally collects, ana-lyzes, and processes building system data, adjusting the sys-tem’s operation within the bui-lding. This reduces reliance on cloud systems and enhances d-ata security.
This system consists of monitoring software, IoT data collection, and automatic control devices. After the user sets the desired room temperature, the system uses IoT sensors and the room temperature online monitoring system to sense indoor temperature and key data points from the air conditioning system in real-time. By analyzing and processing this data, the system predicts load requirements and issues scheduling commands to ensure the system can always maintain the required load to keep the temperature at the set point, preventing energy waste.
Contact Us
60 Paya Lebar Road #07-46 Paya Lebar Square Singapore 409051